Memories from the rocking chair

March 25, 2014  •  Leave a Comment

'What one loves in childhood stays in the heart forever' Mary Jo Putney

I would spend hours as a little girl, sitting in my grandmother’s rocking chair. Rocking back and forth, singing my favourite songs and playing imaginary games.  Every time we visited my grandparents’ house, I would skip down the hallway to the bedroom.  There I would be, while the grown-ups chattered in the family room, playing with the nic nacs on the dresser, pulling faces at my reflection in the mirror, rocking in the chair to the rhythm of my grandfather’s ‘very modern’ electric (though not yet digital) alarm clock tick-tocking, listening for the loud ‘clack’ as the numbers flicked over.

Years on I find myself thinking back to those days and my beautiful grandmother’s rocking chair has a special place in my home. It fills my heart to watch my children doing the same thing, taking time out from the noisy company of their siblings, in my room, rocking back and forth in the rocking chair, quietly enjoying their own special moments.   

They say that the material things in our lives don’t hold any value, but there are ‘things’ that do indeed remain, to remind us and hold those beautiful memories of the past. As I walk past the rocking chair each day, I think back to those days and I smile as I know, somewhere up there, my grandmother is looking down and smiling too.

'Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away' Maya Angelou













































































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